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Monday, February 27, 2012

EMDA Israeli Alzheimer Association: The wrong movie

Today and thanks to my friend @mowzy I saw an amazing campaign for EMDA Israeli Alzheimer Association.This great simple idea from ad agency: ACW Grey, Israel. To highlight Alzheimer’s awareness week the agency confused 1000’s of movie goers by switching the movies they were expecting to see with another one. After a short while they explained the switch. Brilliant wor and great results!

Source: Adsoftheworld & @mowzy

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Soccermen - The amazing dream

Today I was browsing through reddit, and I stumbled upon an amazing AMA (?). FYI I got lazy so I c/p a lot,
Here it goes, Matt Conrad, and his friend Paul after a few beers had the crazy idea to ditch the drudgery of life and pursue their dream of playing international soccer. 

They faced one problem: Who would take them? Neither of them were what you would call "talented."
A few more beers and some Googling later they found the island of Pohnpei, a tiny speck in the Pacific Ocean. Pohnpei had never won a game and were called "the worst team in the world." Perfect! - they thought. Let's grab a camera, pop over to the other side of the world, wow the locals with some kick-ups, play a game, win and become local legends forever!
Not exactly.

After a 48 hour flight they touched down on an island unlike anything they had ever seen. It was beautiful, very weird and everyone was staring at them. They bee-lined to team practice anxious to meet their new team-mates. But lo and behold - there was no team at all!

I invite you to read the rest of their story and support their cause on Kickstarter! As well if you are looking for answers to some of the questions you might have go to Reddit!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Flying men spotted above New York

Back in the 70's ads for "Superman" proclaimed "You'll believe a man can fly."  This past weekend, a very different kind of promotion for a new superhero film actually did convince some New Yorkers that humans were actually flying in the sky.

It appeared that 3people were spotted flying around the skies of lower Manhattan last Friday, causing a lot of double-takes and dropped jaws from onlookers.  But while it appeared to be a sight straight out of a comic book, it was actually a clever bit of viral marketing for this week's upcoming film "Chronicle."  Those aren't people in the air, but some very intricately designed radio-controlled airplanes.

Source: Yahoo!