As you all saw in my previous post, yes all the superbowl ads are available for your viewing online. After strolling through the 60ish of them, one caught my attention, not by its beauty or its product more about the vizualisation of its message.
Is Motorola taking a shot at Apple? Well yes of course, Motorola is launching its tablet that will try to hurt the "Monopoly" of the I-Pad. However we do not see a large hammer squashing some good old I-pads, the message is more subtle. In the world where everyone is dressed in white and hooked up with white headphones, do you get it or am I the only one?
There is one man that stands out from this world full of MacBooks... He is not a sheep, he is different, he is much more cooler, he has his eyes open, he stands out of the crowd and is willing to show the one he loves that there is something else than the Apple "monopoly of Cool".
Go Moto GO