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Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Evolution of the blogger, what about you?

A pretty straight forward graphic, I tend to agree mostly with it so you might ask what is the big lesson here?  
Well where people go, corporate organisations and public figures follow.

As a corporation you might ask yourself when will you set-up your corporate blog to save on customer service and provide all your stakeholders with the info they need in a way that is easy for them to connect? Are you ready to evolve?

Take a step back and think of all channels where consumers go, lets just say: Facebook and then think of how companies, public figures, ... react > Facebook Fan pages. In simple other words it is evolution, so are you ready to move with the market or go to extinction? Please there is no use denying it, as it is happening; set your brand and business objectives, allocate budgets, determine success KPI’s, get your content/community managers ready, amp up to listen to your consumers, mobilise your customer service and as cliché as it might sound enter the human arena to connect once again with your consumers, followers, fans, family and all the others!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Best Flickr Account ever!

Yesterday when I was strolling the internet I stumbled upon the best flickr account ever!

It belongs to the haunted mansion Nightmares Fear Factory in Niagara Falls Canada. In their photostream you have a nice collection of the people having the scariest time of their lives (flickr stream).To have a better idea on how scary this haunted mansion is I urge you to check their hilarious youtube channel!

Some more pictures after the jump

Good Bye Sir